Ann Arbor Concert Band


Join the Band

The band rehearsing in 2023

If you are interested in joining the band and play at least at the high school level, send us an email at with your name and instrument.

Once your email has been reviewed by the music director, you will contacted in order to set up an audition time. The Ann Arbor Concert Band strives for a balanced instrumentation and therefore an informal audition is necessary before you join.


Rehearsals are Monday nights from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. typically beginning the first Monday after Labor Day ending with the Monday following our last concert of the season (when we have our Annual Business Meeting and Potluck).

Below is the rehearsal and concert schedule for the 2023-2024 season. 

Use this URL to add this calendar to your personal calendar:

Rehearsal Locations

Rehearsals are held in the Pioneer High School Band Room (2601 W Stadium Blvd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103). Enter through the band room door on the Performing Arts Wing.


Annual membership dues are $120 for returning band members and $135 for new members (this includes a one-time folder deposit fee of $15).

Members can pay their dues on-line here.

Attendance Policy

While members should attend all rehearsals, A2CB understands that some rehearsals may be missed. To qualify to perform in a concert, members may not miss more than two rehearsals between concerts.

All absences, planned or not, should be discussed with their section leader and the Personnel Manager, and should be logged in our Absence Form.

Concert Attire

For concerts, concert black attire is required.